Harris Hawks (Parabuteo Unicinctus) are a favourite in the world of falconry due to their unique social behaviour, versatility and adaptability. Harris hawks are found in the southwestern United Sates, Mexico, and down into South America. They are the most frequently captive bred species of raptor used in falconry today.
Why are Harris' Hawks a Favorite for Falconers?
- Harris' Hawks are easy to train;
- Harris' Hawks are fast and athletic;
- Harris' Hawks have excellent situational awareness;
- Harris' Hawks are capable of the most complex and varied flight styles when handled by an expert master falconer;
- Their unique social behaviors make them more inclined to cooperate with others (the falconer, dogs, etc.).
Behavior and Social Structure
While most raptors are solitary hunters, harris hawks are known for their cooperative hunting tactics. They often hunt and live together in groups - usually family groups. One or two of them will flush out prey while the others in the group will actually take that prey down. This greatly increases their hunting success. Their social structure is rare among raptors. They. have been known to perform a unique behavior called “stacking” or “Back stacking” where they stand on top of each other in a stack of up to 4, or even sometimes 5 birds high. This may happen when there may not be enough suitable perches for them all to stand on their own, or when they want to gain a better vantage point to see prey or predators. They may do this for shade where the birds on top will spread their wings to shade those beneath them.
For Restaurants, Hotels, Resorts and Golf Courses With Hawkeye Bird Control LLC
- What is Bird Abatement?
Bird control or abatement involves different methods to remove, eliminate and deter pest birds from an area. There are physical deterrents such as netting, bird spikes and electrical wire systems; visual deterrents such as fake decoys like scarecrows, fake owls, or using flash tape that move with the wind to scare birds away; auditory deterrents - noises that scare birds away. Visual and auditory deterrents typically only work in the short term - the birds get used to it very quickly and it no longer poses a threat to them. Habitat modification to remove food sources can deter birds. Hawkeye uses Falconry for abatement, our birds of prey scare pest birds away. - What kinds of Birds can be scared away using Falconry?
Pest birds is along list, including - grackles, doves, starlings, pigeons, seagulls, cormorants, swallows, crows, anhingas. - Can I use falconry for bird control in wildlife protected areas/sanctuaries?
Yes, falconry scares off the pest birds. Birds of prey are Mother Natures way of controlling bird populations and if done with all the proper state and federal permitting is perfectly legal.